Title: Yard Sale
Author: Charleigh Rose
Genre: New Adult Romance (novella)
Release Date: July 26, 2018
I was freshly fired from my job and betrayed by my boyfriend.
It was a new low for me.
A one-night stand with an arrogant stranger was just what I needed.
I didn’t know that he was a famous snowboarder, or that he’d give me the best sex of my life.
I wasn’t ever supposed to see him again.
Fate had other plans.
I was young and rich with the whole world at my fingertips.
I was in my prime.
A one-night stand with a hot little tourist on the rebound was the perfect way to spend my weekend.
I didn’t know she’d leave in the middle of the night, or that I’d wake up wanting more.
I never thought I’d see her again.
Now she’s back.
She’s been keeping a secret.
One that will change everything.
“Love doesn't wait until you
have your shit together. It just happens.”
Yard Sale is a short novella that takes place in the
world of Bad Love series.
Cam is a professional snowboarder, attached to his
brother and friends who are more than friends, they are his family. Living the
good life between sport success, one-night girls and emotions.
Molly is from San Francisco, she lives a strange life
that just fell on her lap, with a boyfriend she doesn't love, and with a life that is not what she
wants for herself, until she reaches River's Edge and something hits her in a
beautiful way.
One night adventure? Destiny? Love?
Friendship, sex and lots of snow in a novel that will
make you go for new panties.
You just have to read it, it's totally delicious every
piece of information excites you, and seeing the rest of the group in the
middle of their own stories will cause you butterflies in your belly.
To make delivery even more juicy, she gives us two
epilogues one of our sexy Asher (Bad Habit) and another of my beloved Dare (Bad
Intentions). And as if this were not enough, there is an excerpt from her next
book Rewrite the Stars, which looks like my next favorite book.
I don't know how Charleigh Rose does to give us so
much in her books and everything she writes, they are hot, passionate, real,
and they make you want to lock her in a room and force her to write daily
forever, (no sociopath here haha).
You know, go to Amazon and be delighted by this story
and this writer, both of 5 stars.
amor no espera a que tengas tu mierda junta. Sólo sucede.”
Yard Sale es una novella
corta que se desarrolla en el mundo de Bad Love series.
Cam es un snowboarder
profesional, apegado a su hermano y amigos que son más que amigos su familia,
viviendo la buena vida entre éxito deportivo, chicas de una noche y emociones.
Molly es de San Francisco,
vive una vida extraña que simplemente le cayó en el regazo, con un novio al que
no ama, y con una vida que no es la que desea para sí misma, hasta que llega a
River's Edge y algo la impacta de una hermosa manera.
¿Aventura de una noche?
¿Destino? ¿Amor?
Amistad, sexo y mucha
nieve en una novella que te hará ir por unas panties nuevas.
Sólo deben leerla, es
totalmente deliciosa cada pedazo de información te emociona, y ver a los demás
del gurpo a mitad de sus propias historias te causa una gran emoción.
Y para hacer más jugosa la
entrega nos regala dos epílogos uno de nuestro amado Asher (Bad Habit) y otro
de mi amado Dare (Bad Intentions). Y como si ésto fuera poco viene un extracto
de su próximo libro Rewrite the Stars, que se ve como mi siguiente libro
No sé cómo hace Charleigh
Rose para entregarnos tanto en sus libros y en todo lo que escribe, son
calientes, apasionados, reales y te hacen querer encerrarla en un cuarto y
obligarla a escribir para diariamente para siempre (no sociópata aquí haha).
Ya saben vayan a Amazon y
sean deleitados por ésta historia y su escritora, ambos de 5 estrellas.
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